
Welcome to the official blog for my first novel, All Things New. If this is your first time here, you can get a brief synopsis of the book here, and can read my author's note here.

If you've been here before, you may notice a few changes. First and foremost, the entries for the story are no longer accessible on this blog. Why, you ask?

Since I first self published All Things New in 2013, I have had the time to review, re-edit, and in some cases, even rewrite sections of the novel. Going through and subsequently editing 50+ individual blog posts is tedious and time consuming. Instead, I've regularly been updating the downloadable ebook files. Of course, this means that the downloadable and online versions are less and less similar. To fix this, I've decided to delete all of the previous entries and merely provide the downloadable books from here on out.

Finally, I'm happy to announce the release of my official website, EKJonathan.com. Please check there for any updates on new projects, such a podcast, audiobooks, and new novels. Thank you!

Your brother,
-EK Jonathan

The Unrighteous

   I'm pleased to announce that my second novel, titled The Unrighteous, is now completed! You can access it by clicking on the link. The paperback version is also available for purchase in my store here.

Thanks to all those who encouraged me to keep writing!